Online Public Access Catalogue

Digital Library

Books that can be read from home, subject to copyright law

Inter Library Loan Service

Interlibrary loan allows libraries to borrow and lend books from other libraries on a mutual basis. Interlibrary loan facilities are provided upon request to academic staff and research workers engaged in academic activities in libraries.


The library is equipped with electronic resources. This facility can be used by any library user.

Electronic Document Supply Service

If you are looking for any journal article or book chapter that is not in your library, the library will help you find the document.

Wi-Fi Facility

Free wi-fi facility is available at the library building. You can explore the library online resources as well as other external resources using the wi-fi facility.

Photocopying Service

The photocopying service operating in the library is located in front of the librarian’s room. The service operates on a concessionary basis and only photocopies of library materials are provided.

Scanning services

Library users are provided with document scanning facilities in front of the librarian’s room on the first floor of the library.

Library Support Service

The Siri Vajirarama Library, which opened in a new century-old building, started a help desk service and we started this service as users always seek various help from the library.

This service consists of two options

“Request Articles” – After providing the required information, users can request the required articles from the library.

Request for Articles:

“Other Help” – Allows users to request any library-related help when they are unable to physically visit the library.

Other help: